Seasolar offers a complete «turnkey» service to the private individual or the company that wishes to create a photovoltaic system on their building.
Incentives for renewable energy produced by photovoltaic plant are normated by each country Government through participated public entities which release the following services:
Qualification of Pv plants and electricity
One of the most important activities is the qualification of PV plants. It is a fundamental process to identify the PV plants that meet the requirements provided for by law in order to access incentive mechanisms.
Incentive mechanisms
Support of electricity’s production from renewable sources through various incentive mechanisms, at disposal of private subjects, companies and public administrations.
Feed-In scheme
Mechanism used to allocate incentives to private subjects, companies and public administrations that would install a photovoltaic solar plant connected to the electricity grid, proportioned to the electricity produced.
All-inclusive Feed-in tariff
Mechanism which represents an alternative to the green certificates. It consists in tariffs for the electricity fed into the grid whose value includes both the incentive component and the increase in value component of the electricity fed into the grid.
Simplified purchase and resell arrangements
Tool which allows to purchase and resell the electricity to be fed into the grid paying producers a minimum guaranteed price for every kWh purchased. Producers with small-sized plants and a lowest nominal electrical capacity, benefit of a guaranteed minimum prices for kWh fed into the grid.
Through this mechanism, those who generate electricity from renewable sources feeding it into the grid and at the same time purchase electricity from the grid for personal consumption, benefit from the compensation of the economic value of what produced and fed into the grid with the economic value of what purchased and consumed in a period differing from that of production.